How to Buy a Small Business
This workshop provides an overview of how to buy a business, including the following learning objectives:
- The benefits of buying an existing business;
- Choosing a business that’s right for you;
- Searching for a business for sale;
- Evaluating a business for sale;
- Determining value and earning potential;
- Making an offer and negotiating;
- Professionals to assist you in the buying process;
- Financing options for buying a business; and
- Due Diligence and finalizing the deal.
Sponsored by the Salinas Public Library, this workshop is also funded in part through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration. Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Helen Dunston at (831) 676-2017 or via email at
Although this workshop is provided to you at no cost; registration is encouraged to ensure we have enough handouts for everyone.